Goddess, it's time to meet the most badass version of you.
Evoke and work with the powerful energy of the dark goddess to come home to your body, embody fierce feminine empowerment & break the chains that are dimming your highest soul expression.
Unleash your power. Your wildness. Your sacredness. Your sensuality. Your radiance.
The dark feminine within.
Liberate yourself in this multi-dimensional online retreat
The dark goddess is the power you've locked away...
The version of you that you wish you could be, capable of being/doing/having everything you desire (if only you weren't so shy/afraid/anxious/awkward/worried about what people think)
She has faced her inner demons, slayed her dragons, and risen from the underworld a Queen - liberated from all people-pleasing, martyrdom, self-sacrifice, shame, guilt, conditioning & self judgement.
Spoiler alert: She's been here all along, locked away inside of you.
Waiting for you to give her permission to come out of hiding.

If the Dark Goddess is calling you,
you will feel it deep in your bones.
She makes her presence known - she knocks loudly on your door until you have no choice but to answer.
If you are feeling called to work with her, it’s because you are ready to be wild, liberated and free.
On our evolutionary journey, sometimes we require hand-holding, gentleness, nurturing and grace…
Other times, we require a cosmic bitch slap.
The dark goddess represents the cosmic bitch slap you didn’t even know you needed...
But that your soul was longing for all along.
Experience the fierce love of the dark goddess
The dark goddess represents the wild, chaotic, dark feminine.
Sacred rage, destruction, death, endings - along with fierce, motherly, unconditional love.
In this retreat, we'll be predominately working with Kali Ma, The Hindu Goddess of War.
Also known the liberator, the breaker of chains, and the destroyer of worlds.
Sounds kinda full on, huh? While this energy isn't exactly a walk in the park, don't let that deter you...
It can be intense energy to work with, but wielded for your greatest unfolding, for the highest good of all with divine, unconditional love.
The kind of love that is capable of holding and witnessing the most unlovable, shameful, ugly parts of you and loving them back into wholeness.
The kind of love that knows no limits, no boundaries, no borders, no end.
The kind of love that will journey with you to the ends of the Earth, the depths of the underworld, that will suck the poison out of your wounds for you, and eat away your pain.
That's the kind of love that's on offer in this experience.

The dark goddess = rapid and profound transformation.
Come home to their body, their un-inhibited, feminine essence, their radiance and their aliveness... burning through all shame, guilt & conditioning.
Dive deep into their inner underworld, with the courage to witness and reclaim what has been lost or buried there - soul gifts, soul memories, aspects of self.
Transmute and alchemise old fear, pain, darkness and suffering into strength, empowerment and light.
While this can be challenging territory to work in, personally, it’s where I’ve been gifted with the most profound reclamations and life-shattering up-levels on the other side.
I will not tell you what doors working with Kali’s energy will open for you, or what specifically she will reveal to you - but read on for some ideas of the potentials held in this space..

Some of the gifts that the dark goddess unlocks:
Embracing the darkness - change, death, endings, destruction and chaos - embody the energy of the ALCHEMIST with the ability to rebirth yourself from your cosmic void
Reclaiming lost parts of self - recovering and re-integrating soul fragments
Discovering the gifts hidden in your shadow - unlock soul gifts and memories from past lives
Womb clearing, womb wisdom and medicine woman gifts
Release heavy karma and trauma from your DNA around the witch wound, sexual trauma, anger/wounding around masculine - release contracts of suffering and ascend into higher timelines of your mission which feel joyful, easeful and pleasurable
Embodying healthy sacred rage, primal power, boundaries and sovereignty
Awakening the shakti (feminine life-force energy) within you so you feel more ALIVE, more radiant, more creative, more intuitive, more turned-on by life
Facing your deepest fears and internal darkness so you feel empowered to step into your position as a light leader, guiding others through their darkness
Claiming your power, your voice, your intensity, the fullness of your emotions - allowing yourself to take up space and be seen

What's included
- 3 x powerful, multi-dimensional sacred ceremonies / journeys of 70-90 mins each (pre-recorded)
- 1 x bonus SHADOW MASTERY session (pre-recorded)
- Be held within an energetic grid for the duration of the experience where you will be supported by a team of galactic + higher dimensional light beings to continue to clear & integrate behind the scenes
- Access to the recordings for life, to repeat and revisit whenever you desire to journey into your own underworld
What previous retreat participants have to say...
“Holy fk*ing wow. Bec, thank you. A huge big orgasmic gush of gratitude, literally and figuratively. I had honestly felt dead inside these last few months, not sure who I was anymore or where to step next. Massive realisations after the first session yesterday that I’d given my power away… I condemned and judged myself and how I’d been showing up online as a result. I completely lost myself. Yesterday was a reclamation and it was holy, and deep, and reverent and sacred AF. I was moved to connect with some mirror work, dancing and adoring my reflection and the way my body moved and the way I felt the goddess move through me. I felt my womb pulse, alive again, activated by the sacred heartbeat of the dark feminine… I’ve never had so much shift and reveal itself in one session. The power at my house even short circuited as I sat contemplated and bringing awareness to all the places I’d been giving my power away! My womb is activated and alive again. Thank you Bec. And thank you to all the incredible women for being on this journey. May we all be wet and activated AF and rise together!”
“Here I am… days after our first session. The emotions have been intense over the last 48 hours - ecstasy one minute to snotty mess the next - all gloriously welcome. Sunday I felt a lot of shame and guilt around my body, my neglect over it over the years - Kali Ma show me how I can love this part of me even more’ was all I could sense in my heart space. This morning I went to my Dance Chi class and moved and touched my body in ways I didn’t know were possible. I felt divine, sensual, erotic all rolled into one. Really felt a different energetic presence within me, the biggest smile on my face as I closed my eyes - moved to the flow of the music and a juiciness from within started to flow. Grateful for this journey so far - I am so fucking worth it!”
“I listened to the replay of session 2 and can only describe the feeling of a spring being uncoiled deep within my root chakra and a rush of heat through my body”
Who is this retreat for?
☬ Anyone who is feeling called to work with Kali Ma, dark goddess energy or journey their own inner underworld
☬ Those who are READY for a life-altering transformation, and who are willing to see the unseen
☬ Those who are ready to let go of anything that is holding them back from their highest, fullest expression
☬ Those seeking to awaken and work with their shakti - life force energy
☬ Those looking to deepen into their expression of the feminine and embody their dark feminine
☬ Those who are ready to wake up dormant, repressed or hidden parts of self, soul gifts and memories from past lives
☬ Those who are ready to free themselves from the shackles of karma, trauma or fear
Is this a live experience?
What if I want more support?
Is this for a specific gender?
What level of work do I need to have done on myself to join?
What if deep trauma comes up in the process?

Meet the facilitator
Bec is a priestess, alchemist, multi-dimensional channel, new earth leader, creatrix, speaker and writer who is passionate about helping people navigate their awakening and initiation process in order to step into their fullest, highest, most aligned version of soul-self.

"From the moment I connected with Bec, I knew I had found a soul sister and true soul connection; she spoke my language and understood me on the deepest soul level. Thanks to her incredible level of awareness and understanding on a human level and also her intuitive insight cultivated from a deep connection to her higher self and guides, it felt like she knew me inside out. Throughout my time working with her I have felt safe, held and guided and although I entered this sacred space with blind faith in my soul, I have had THE most profound and transformational experience ever - greater than I could've ever imagined possible. I have unlocked secret gateways to past lives, in which prior to entering this space I had only ever to receive fragments of. I have remembered hidden trauma experienced in this lifetime which has allowed me to fully heal it. I have reclaimed gifts that I never knew possible for myself and I now feel like the freest, most liberated and powerful version of myself. I have cultivated deep trust in my abilities as a healer and now have more clarity about the work my soul came here to do. I can say from the depths of my heart that you will never meet a more grounded and yet ascended Goddess as Bec; she is truly one of a kind - magical, mystical, and so fucking powerful. If you feel as though you know you are here for more and bigger things but you're not sure what that means for you and you have the opportunity to work with Bec through any of her services, then I would highly recommend jumping ALL IN on an incredible journey of your soul. Trust me, you will not regret it!" - Sarah, Rebirth Alumni