Watch this video for an invitation into the energetics of this initiation
The Dragon Masters are re-awakening from their slumber...
The Ancients who hold the codes, sacred technologies & esoteric wisdom of the Alchemists.
In this online immersion, receive an introductory initiation into the Dragon Master Lineage,
awaken the evolutionary potential lying dormant in your DNA, activate your Highest Soul Potential, harmonise your internal sacred energies, and learn how to re-awaken and wield the power of the Alchemist within.
A self-paced, virtual retreat-style sacred attunement.
6 Sessions - 14.5 Hours of Mystery School Training
*Upon purchase you will have instant access to the recordings of the online retreats anchored in the powerful energetic vortexes of Bali & Peru in 2024*

Awaken the Alchemical Magic Encoded Into Your DNA
& Embody Your Highest Potential
DRAGON energy represents our highest potentials, soul callings & alignment.
It represents us - living, breathing, EMBODIMENTS of our HIGHEST SELF/OUR SOUL, here in this human body.
When we awaken this evolutionary potential within us and create from THIS place of full-SOUL-alignment; we are capable of wielding sacred energies which create potentials that are waaaaaaay beyond what our "Little Human Self" is capable of creating...
Creating far beyond the possibilities and limitations of this time, space & dimensional reality.
Our external reality effortlessly re-organises to create out of thin air fully-soul-aligned, holy-shit-how-is-this-even-so-magical-and-perfect outcomes, opportunities, creations, connections & events that look a lot to the outside world like "miracles".
We become the Master, the Alchemist; in FULL SOVEREIGNTY and power as a co-creator of our DESTINY TIMELINE.
We become divinity, anchored in this Human Body; we experience Heaven, here on Earth.
What Would Life Look Like if You Showed up Every Day as Your Dragon (Highest) Self?
Working with this energy will immediately catapult you into your Destiny Timeline...
(I'm talking that *big dream* or calling you've had deep down, that you have been too afraid to tell people or even admit to yourself.)
You become the Dragon:
Unf*ck withable with impenetrable boundaries. Strong. Fierce. In your POWER. Bold, tenacious, daring, courageous.
Capable of spitting your authentic flames of TRUTH with that "IDGAF what people think about it" energy.
And the best part?
It won't take you years of "doing the work" or "healing" to get there.
No more painstaking or exhausting 'digging' to try to get to the root...
No more victim/rescuer dynamics, boundary crossings, looping karmic patterns, or lessons you have to master...
No more begging the Universe to bring you your manifestations...
Simply the act of harnessing these sacred energies within will instantly transmute, alchemise everything that is no longer in alignment or preventing you from fully anchoring your DEEPEST soul desires...
And CATAPULT you into an entirely new timeline where all the jigsaw pieces just fit effortlessly.|
It's like being upgraded from "getting around everywhere on a beat up old bicycle", to suddenly rolling up to the party (the one that's being thrown in your honour) on dragon back. Badass AF.

Be Initiated into the Dragon Master Lineage
RETREAT 1: Anchored in Bali, Island of the Gods
Over 3 days (8+ hours of pre-recorded soul journeys) you will be introduced to and directly initiated by 12 Dragon Master Guides who will take you through 12 Dragon Temples/Gates; receiving core Key Codes from each dimensional sphere.
Each guide holds a specific frequency, mystery school teaching and energetic attunement to help you to navigate and influence each dimension and become a master of your own reality.
*watch the channelled snippet below from day 1 of the retreat (the introduction) for a deeper explanation of this*
Activate your FULL Creative Potential
RETREAT 2: Anchored in Lake Titicaca, Peru
Over 3 days (6+ hours of pre-recorded soul journeys) you will journey deeper and higher through various interdimensional gates and portal sites and receive initiations into facilitating planetary grid-work as part of your sacred mission as a Dragon Master.
You will also receive powerful clearings and activations from the sacred energies of Lake Titicaca - the Sacral Chakra of the Earth - around fertility, creativity and abundance.
Enter the Dragon Rose Temple to activate your dragon womb and dragon heart and step into your creative potential and FIERCENESS as a Dragon Mama and priest(ess).

This is Not a 'Program', This is a Soul Calling...
This is a mystery school that goes far beyond the "mind", or logical "outcomes".
You will gain access to Ancient metaphysical, spiritual, sacred technology and wisdom that will completely transform how you relate to this physical reality, and your experience of it.
The effects of this are infinite and ripple out and touch every aspect of your life; as this becomes a new WAY OF LIFE and an embodied state of BEING; as you BECOME the dragon master.
If your body/intuition is pinging you, it's because there's something here for you on a soul level.
However, here are some possible "tangible" outcomes of working with this energy:
❂ Remember your capabilities as a Dragon Master around working with the dragon lines, planetary grids and portals of the Earth; and beyond - activate your mission as a grid-worker and planetary guardian.
❂ Rapidly awaken dormant soul gifts, memories & codes from ancient civilisations & interplanetary incarnations supporting you to facilitate more powerful soul work / live out your soul's higher calling as a lightworker ; be confident in your healing abilities & have your calendar fully booked with sol clients who adore working with you
❂ Step into your POWER as a sovereign creator and obliterate everything within (blocks, conditioning, trauma) that stands in your way of what you desire to manifest in every area of your life (love, career, health, soul purpose) ; no more endless healing sessions to remove your "blocks" or lameo manifestation rituals & vision boarding, simply command your desire into existence and it is DONE.
❂ Completely disconnect from ALL 'lower realm' timelines of reality where you are looping in judgement, victimhood, suffering or struggle & connect to higher realities & timelines of joy, bliss, ecstasy, pleasure, peace, purpose ; actually fall in love with your life and live each day as if it were Heaven on Earth, rather than feeling as though you're stuck here in a hell-hole that is called Earth school.
❂ Cultivate an unshakable state of security, stability, fulfillment, connection, abundance & worthiness that comes from WITHIN; so you are capable of moving through whatever life throws at you with a deep sense of peace, trust in the divine plan & inner knowing ; stay cool, calm, collected & empowered AF in the face of chaos, destruction and change.
❂ Coming into a state of deep inner union and wholeness; no longer feeling like you are 'searching' for something or someone outside of you to make you feel loved, enough, worthy, or valid. Become your own divine beloved and fall in love with yourself; as a result, also call in your 'soulmate' / sacred counterpart/beloved who you're here to share your life with (if you desire it)
❂ Propel yourself onto your "Destiny Timeline" - awaken a deeper sense of PURPOSE, confidence and passion within; feel empowered to make fearless, BIG, BOLD, BADASS moves towards your SOUL MISSION
❂ Become a MASTER of your energy & of your bodies (both physical and non-physical); learn to command the sacred energy within you to create your reality with precision and to work for you, not against you
❂ Heal chronic physical ailments, experience more energy and vitality, and bring healing & balance back to your body; bounce out of bed feeling alive and energized AF every day
❂ Completely transform your relationship to the Creator/God/Higher Self/Your Soul into one of deep co-creation, reverence, love, trust & support; experience what is possible with the infinite resources, knowledge and wisdom of the CREATOR backing your creations & being led every step of the way to your desires.
❂ Heal & improve your relationship with your own inner feminine energy; learn to embody/express more divine feminine energy - intuition, creativity, visionary abilities, sensuality, radiance, flow, vitality, love, passion, devotion, fierceness, compassion. Improve your relationships with women.
❂ Heal & improve your relationship with your own inner masculine energy; learn to embody/express more divine masculine energy - structure, discipline, drive, assertiveness, grounding, stability, direction, purpose, commitment. Improve your relationships with men.
❂ Release heavy karma and trauma from your DNA, soul contracts of suffering & victimhood, and stop looping around in lower realm realities of energetic attacks, siphoning & not so nice stuff -embody healthy sacred rage, primal power, boundaries and sovereignty as you embody the STRENGTH and POWER of the dragon - so you become unf*ckwithable and command the respect you desire in both the subtle and physical realms
❂ More confidence, fierceness, self belief, self confidence & unshakable self worth so you have the audacity to go after your wildest dreams, take up space & be seen.
❂ Awakening the potent life-force energy within you so you feel more ALIVE, more pleasure, more passion, more radiant, more creative, more intuitive, more turned-on by life; spring out of bed every day with excitement, energy & a passion to LIVE
❂ Facing your deepest fears and internal darkness so you feel empowered to step into your position as a light leader, cosmic rebel & change maker - guiding others through their darkness
❂ Understanding your soul contract and the lessons you came here to master in this lifetime; so you can "hack" this lifetime and flow through these initiations with ease, surrender and grace ; RATHER than resistance.

What's included
- 6 x powerful, multi-dimensional mystery school trainings of 2-3 hours (PRE-RECORDED, to receive as you wish) from the first retreat in Bali and the second retreat in Peru
- Sacred Attunements, Activations & Transmissions designed to awaken the sacred energies within, upgrade and unlock your DNA, access dormant soul gifts, catapult you into your DESTINY timeline & bring you into alignment with your highest soul expression, truth & mission
- Be held within an energetic grid & Mystery School Temple for the duration of the experience which is anchored into the powerful amplification vortexes of Bali (the home of some POWERFUL dragon masters) and Lake Titicaca, Peru (the sacral chakra of the Earth) which will be working on you throughout the duration of the experience inside and outside of sessions
- Access to the recordings for life, to repeat and revisit whenever you desire to activate and awaken deeper layers of the content & codes covered (this is a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL retreat, meaning there are layers upon layers you can receive from the same transmissions, as and when you are ready to receive them)
What previous retreat participants have to say...
“Holy fk*ing wow. Bec, thank you. A huge big orgasmic gush of gratitude, literally and figuratively. I had honestly felt dead inside these last few months, not sure who I was anymore or where to step next. Massive realisations after the first session yesterday that I’d given my power away… I condemned and judged myself and how I’d been showing up online as a result. I completely lost myself. Yesterday was a reclamation and it was holy, and deep, and reverent and sacred AF. I was moved to connect with some mirror work, dancing and adoring my reflection and the way my body moved and the way I felt the goddess move through me. I felt my womb pulse, alive again, activated by the sacred heartbeat of the dark feminine… I’ve never had so much shift and reveal itself in one session. The power at my house even short circuited as I sat contemplated and bringing awareness to all the places I’d been giving my power away! My womb is activated and alive again. Thank you Bec. And thank you to all the incredible women for being on this journey. May we all be wet and activated AF and rise together!”
“Here I am… days after our first session. The emotions have been intense over the last 48 hours - ecstasy one minute to snotty mess the next - all gloriously welcome. Sunday I felt a lot of shame and guilt around my body, my neglect over it over the years - Kali Ma show me how I can love this part of me even more’ was all I could sense in my heart space. This morning I went to my Dance Chi class and moved and touched my body in ways I didn’t know were possible. I felt divine, sensual, erotic all rolled into one. Really felt a different energetic presence within me, the biggest smile on my face as I closed my eyes - moved to the flow of the music and a juiciness from within started to flow. Grateful for this journey so far - I am so fucking worth it!”
“I listened to the replay of session 2 and can only describe the feeling of a spring being uncoiled deep within my root chakra and a rush of heat through my body”
Who is this retreat for?
☬ Anyone who is feeling called to work with Dragon Energy
☬ Anyone called to work with the dragon lines/planetary grids, sacred sites and portals of the Earth
☬ Those who are READY for a life-altering transformation, and be catapulted into their DESTINY TIMELINE
☬ Those who are ready to let go of anything that is holding them back from their highest, fullest expression
☬ Those seeking to awaken and work with their shakti kundalini / life force energy and go beyond traditional kundalini to blend disciplines from ancient modalities of the Alchemists and Masters of Energy
☬ Those looking to explore dark feminine/masculine, light feminine/masculine and the energies of inner sacred union
☬ Those who are ready to wake up dormant, repressed or hidden parts of self, soul gifts and memories from past lives
☬ Those who are ready to free themselves from the shackles of karma, trauma or fear
Is this a live experience? What if I can't make the session times?
What if I want more support?
Is this for a specific gender?
What level of work do I need to have done on myself to join?

Meet the facilitator
Bec is a priestess, alchemist, multi-dimensional channel, new earth leader, creatrix, speaker and writer who is passionate about helping people navigate their awakening and initiation process in order to step into their fullest, highest, most aligned version of soul-self.

"From the moment I connected with Bec, I knew I had found a soul sister and true soul connection; she spoke my language and understood me on the deepest soul level. Thanks to her incredible level of awareness and understanding on a human level and also her intuitive insight cultivated from a deep connection to her higher self and guides, it felt like she knew me inside out. Throughout my time working with her I have felt safe, held and guided and although I entered this sacred space with blind faith in my soul, I have had THE most profound and transformational experience ever - greater than I could've ever imagined possible. I have unlocked secret gateways to past lives, in which prior to entering this space I had only ever to receive fragments of. I have remembered hidden trauma experienced in this lifetime which has allowed me to fully heal it. I have reclaimed gifts that I never knew possible for myself and I now feel like the freest, most liberated and powerful version of myself. I have cultivated deep trust in my abilities as a healer and now have more clarity about the work my soul came here to do. I can say from the depths of my heart that you will never meet a more grounded and yet ascended Goddess as Bec; she is truly one of a kind - magical, mystical, and so fucking powerful. If you feel as though you know you are here for more and bigger things but you're not sure what that means for you and you have the opportunity to work with Bec through any of her services, then I would highly recommend jumping ALL IN on an incredible journey of your soul. Trust me, you will not regret it!" - Sarah, Rebirth Alumni